108 Token
(Cryptocurrency)108 Token provides a diversified, low-cost and simplified exposure to the burgeoning asset class of cryptocurrencies.
108 Token provides a diversified, low-cost and simplified exposure to the burgeoning asset class of cryptocurrencies. 108 Token gives investors ETF-style access and eliminates the complexities pertaining to coin selection, wallet management, etc. The token is an indexed ERC20 token that tracks the performance of top 15 cryptocurrencies by a supply-adjusted market cap. In order to provide a diversified exposure to investors, a maximum weight cap of 20% is imposed on each of the index constituents, and the underlying index is rebalanced on a monthly basis. The fee structure is aligned towards long-term performance and low due to the absence of intermediaries and other overheads. We provide investors the flexibility to contribute in either BTC/ETH or fiat for the ICO. To know more about 108 Token and its historical performance against BTC and other benchmarks.
закончилась 31 авг.