(Banking)Abacas allows you to trade any asset for any asset. You can trade AAPL stock for BTC in 1 transaction. This reduces a great deal of the transaction cost.
AbacasXchange solves a number of problems: // Typically, it takes a minimum of 3 and as many as 5 fees to trade one asset for another. In contrast, Abacas allows you to exchange AAPL stock for BTC in 1 transaction. // Both traditional and cryptocurrency exchanges have been known for “gaming” their clients by using system tweaks. In other words, there has been a lack of transparency. All transactions on AbacasXchange are posted on a public ledger and can be viewed by anyone. // Nowadays, trading is mostly binary. You can choose to receive only EUR or only USD or only something else in exchange for the stock you are selling. AbacasXchange improves liquidity by Direct and Indirect trading. If you want to sell 1000 GOOG, you can decide to receive some GLD or MSFT or BT or EUR or USD or ABCS or BTC. This creates an infinite coincidence of supply. // The AbacasXchange “safety deposit box” provides a decentralized secure backup for your private keys.
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