(Big)The Future Of Global Idea Protection. ERC-20 Innovating A Multi-bilion Dollar Industry.
Our vision is to create a platform where people from all over the world can write their ideas and claim them without a middle-man such as a publisher. By combining the publication process and the writing platform, we seamlessly integrate the two and create a new, appealing form of sharing ideas. Our target audience are those who have their own unique ideas and would like to share it will others around the world while protecting their rights, gaining potential mass-coverage and benefitting financially from payments. Our ANTIMASS token steps into the process of publishing, requiring authors to spend ANTI tokens to claim rights of their post. Having authors pay a small fee to protect their writing solves a few problems. First, it allows for the mining of ANTIMASS tokens, where miners can run calculations, in turn, verifying that the content is original and not found anywhere else on the internet. Second, it prevents users from spamming our website, falsely claiming rights of posts and bottlenecking our platform. Third, it gives our token a functionality rather than just serving as a security of our platform, such as that of an exchange.
закончилась 31 мар.