(Banking)Baanx Brands already completed millions in our FCA licensed lending site, we have an OTC Exchange & Secure Wallet. Now launching a Mobile Cryptobank.
Baanx has a lending site, an OTC Exchange and Secure Wallet. We are launching: - Mobile Cryptobank App (see baanx.com for the prototype) - Wallet insurance - Cryptopay - Exchange integration to give users the best prices always - Custody Solution to safely store large amounts of crypto in cold storage Post-launch Baanx allows partners to issue our technology with their name on it as well to increase our users, they can also share our bank licenses. Ultimately, using smart contracts, AI and automation we will develop the platform further to allow users to become owners and launch their own Cryptobanks - with all back office needs managed for them all they will need to do is market to users, and watch their Bank grow. Changing the banking world forever. The Baanx BXX token is used in all functions, from payments, transaction and exchange integration fees - lending and investments. Loyalty bonus tokens will be issued to those holding tokens long term - in order to reward supporters.
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