(Platform)A Global Digital Advertising Screen Network Open to Everyone.
Our vision for Bidooh is to revolutionize and democratize the $34.8bn billboard advertising industry. By creating a truly flexible, immediate, measurable self-service platform and open digital screen network, advertisers and media agencies of all sizes will plan and place their adverts through Bidooh. Bidooh offers advertising via a self-service platform that accesses an open digital screen network. Bidooh will change marketing for the better. It wrests control of marketing from the hands of the few and makes it available to all who wish to participate. Any advertiser can simply download the app or visit the Bidooh portal, create their advertisement, choose screen locations, set their advertising budget and publish their ad. Advertising does not get any simpler, faster, transparent, or efficient than it can be with Bidooh.
закончилась 26 дек.