(Business)Blockchain based logistics and document solutions.
BlockArray is a blockchain-based startup focused on developing the protocols and infrastructure required for supply chain and logistic companies to integrate distributed ledger technology across their business. Protocols: XONS - eXtensible Object Name Service: a protocol that implements lazy binding of strings to data, in order to support dynamically configured delegation and federated systems (both blockchain and "legacy"). XONS functions by mapping some unique string to data stored within a database by iteratively applying string transformation rules until a terminal condition is reached. BDI, blockcahin data interchange, translating transactions into EPCIS-like events based on defined user permissions that are created in its SaaS, Visual SmartContracts. Badger: a consumer application that uses XONS to find product information and display a centralized page that contains relevent information Enterprise Mobile Application: a mobile application that allows permission-based users to effect changes to the web page that normal users (e.g. consumers) can see. for example: work orders done on a MRI machine can be finalized through the application, then a doctor can come and scan on their phone to see the work history for that machine, software, firmware updates, etc.
закончилась 14 янв.