Gemstra (PreICO)
(Platform)Blockchain ecosystem that connects Businesses with Influencers & KOLs (key opinion leaders) directly, tokenizing the biggest gig economy of tomorrow.
Gemstra connects businesses with influencers & KOL to drive sales through a blockchain-enabled ecosystem. Influencer commerce is growing rapidly as social media has taken over the world by storm. Nearly $10Bn will be paid to influencers for marketing by 2020 - a number that is growing 20% year-over-year. Gemstra is developing a suite of modules on a blockchain-based infrastructure so businesses and influencers can easily interact. The GEMS token provides governance through staking mechanisms to promote fairness between businesses and influencers. The GEMS token is also the default payment and reward token. By making it easy for businesses and influencers to interact equitably, Gemstra unlocks influencer commerce for the $24 Trillion global retail economy. The team is comprised of veteran consumer internet executives and technologists that have already launched a proven business under Gemstra Boutiques and most recently launched an alpha of their flagship dapp module called Knowy.
закончилась 30 июн.