(Investment)Investa offers a unique platform of 3 crypto services which work in tandem to enable our users to exchange & spend their Crypto.
Investa ICO is a token sale of our ERC20 INV token, which is used as a means of payment across our platform. We have built 3 complimentary services and launched them already before our ICO has finished. 1. Exchange We have built a bitcoin exchange from scratch and launched it. See www.ibitt.co where you can register and login to our trading platform. INV token will offer reduced trading fees and also referral commissions for trading volume introduced. 2. Crypto debit cards. iBitt cards have already been issued and are available to order for our token buyers. Cards can be loaded with crypto directly and spent in FIAT at over 30m locations globally. INV token can also be loaded and spent on our cards. 3. ATMs these are in beta testing and will shortly be deployed in initial locations, where our users can enjoy 2 way crypto to cash conversion. INV token can also be converted to cash and withdrawn.
закончилась 31 авг.